Red Cap
Anger management for kids.

In partnership with the Toronto District School Board, we run an anger management class for students ages 8 to 12 in Regent Park.
We believe that safe communities are healthy communities, which is why we are committed to doing our part to combat youth violence and equip youth with tools for coping with their anger in healthy ways.
One session of our Red Cap program runs one afternoon a week, for 10-12 weeks. During these lessons, we teach kids how to identify the physical characteristics of anger, label the real emotions behind angry reactions, and create alternative responses to those emotions.
We are looking to expand our Red Cap program to other schools. If you think your school could benefit from this class, feel free to reach out. Our team would love to hear from you and discuss further details.

Thank you, Rogers!
We want to give a huge thank you to the team at Rogers
for outfitting each of our 2020 Red Cap graduates with
their very own red Blue Jays training cap.